September 21 Overview

img_0085Friday we watched a short video that a teacher created to document his class’s field trip to an apple orchard. After the video we talked about what key elements were included in making that video.  The students noticed how the teacher used pictures and videos of the trip.  They identified pieces such as pictures of students going to the orchard, videos of people in the orchard picking apples, and they even noticed that the teacher was talking through the entire video.  We then reviewed the driving question for the orchard project to remind the students what we are trying to accomplish.  After we identified the important parts of the teachers video and reviewed the driving question, the students worked in their orchard groups to create lists.  The lists gave ideas of pictures or video that could be taken to include in a video documenting our orchard project.  After giving the groups time to discuss and make lists, each group shared out at least 3 items from their lists with the whole class.  We discovered that many kids had the same ideas.

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